


A Study of the Criteria Whether "Upbringing Since Childhood" Establishing Adoptive Relationship


莊錦秀(Ching-Hsiu Chuang)


收養制度 ; 親子關係 ; 子女最佳利益 ; 契約 ; 收養無效 ; Adoption System ; Parent-Child Relationship ; Children's Best Interests ; Contract ; Adoption Invalid




53期(2017 / 06 / 01)


117 - 171






Adoption system always is influenced by cultures and countries, so Taiwan’s adoption system is very complex and is confused by the land’s special historical experience. Recently, our adoptive laws are influenced by Japanese and traditional Qing dynasty. The adoptive system transformation is complex and unintelligible. Therefore, it put an huge effect on people and society. Consequently, the adoption law in Taiwan always changes in modern time, which is made by the inferior aforementioned reasons. The adoption system in Taiwan can be divided into three stages, the early Qing Dynasty, Japanese colonization, and post-retrocession, by the regime change. However, it was difficult for the adoption system to make immediate and smooth transition under the different regimes. The gap often is present in the society and in disputes over civil adoptive relationships. This study first summarizes applicable requirements of the adoption system and social customs during the three stages. Then, the four symbolic cases retrieved from the database of the Judicial Yuan, all cases with adoptive relationships occurring after Taiwan retrocession and before the amendment on June 05, 1985, were used to show the differences in the determination criteria adopted by judges. The phenomenon shows the judges with different criteria on the one hand, and helps us to summarize in charge of respective trials for "adoption since early childhood", a proviso to Article 1079 of the Civil Code before the amendment on June 5, 1985. Interpretations of the cases by the judges and those of the proviso by scholars during the old legislation period are summarized in this study, with suggestions provided at the end of this study. I hope that we can give some basis and suggestions through this research and cases’ summation, which helps judges and legislators clarify the disputes in the cases of upbringing since children in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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