This paper tries to discuss the conception of formal equality and material equality in the famous Germany jurist Hermann Heller’s theory, also will explore the relationship of the principle of equality and the idea of social state in Heller’s legal and state theory. This paper tries to point out, that Heller criticizes the deficiency of liberal idea of rule of law (formal equality), because it neglects the legal standards which judge the equal/unequal treatments of government actions may be themselves unequal (in other words, these legal standards should not be justified by the standards of material equality). According to Heller’s theory of social state, the rightness of legal sentences must be comply the ethical principles of law. But the ethical principles of law can be correctly concretized as the positive statute in the social state. Only in the process of social democracy, all of the different classes in the society can patriciate the process of legislation in the parliament, therefore the different concept of ethical principles of law can be taken into account in the legislative process. If so, the positive statutes which enacted by the legislative process in social state should be the correct and proper standards of formal equality, because they can accord with the conception of material equality in Heller’s theory.
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