


Theory and Practice of Termination of an Adoptive Relationship after Death


黃淨愉(Hwang, Ching-Yu)


死後終止收養 ; 顯失公平 ; 法院之許可 ; 養子女之利益 ; 養子女之意願 ; 自我認同 ; 認祖歸宗 ; 父母選擇權 ; 延續香火 ; 傳宗接代 ; Termination of Adoption after Death ; Obvious Unfairness ; Court's Approval ; Adopted Children's Interests ; Adopted Children's Will ; Self-Identification ; Ancestry Tracing ; Parental Choice ; Continuation of Family Line ; Procreation




60期(2020 / 12 / 01)


89 - 187






Article 1080-1, Paragraph 1 of the Civil Code stipulates "after the death of the adoptive parents, the adopted child may petition the court for approval to terminate the adoption." The legislative purpose of the law is to give adopted children, after the death of their adoptive parents, the opportunity to return to their natural parents' home or to be adopted by others, in order to improve their living environment. However, Paragraph 4 of the same article also stipulates "the court shall not approve the termination of adoption if the court determines that the termination is obviously unfair." What does "obviously unfair" mean? What attitude will the court take in practice? Moreover, the mother law of the Japanese law allows adopted children to terminate their adoption with only one parent after the death of one or both adoptive parents. Therefore, should Taiwan make the same interpretation? Japanese law has also been amended to allow the adoptive parents to terminate the adoption after the death of their adopted children. Should Taiwan also follow this path? This paper notes in conclusion that (1) in order to respect adopted children's will and to implement the correct legislative purpose of protecting adopted children's interests, "the death of adoptive parents" shall be interpreted as "the death of adoptive father or mother", so that the adopted children may choose their parents or their own life. (2) From the perspective of party equality, this paper argues that the adoptive parents shall be given the petition right by law, so that they can also have the opportunity to terminate kinship with their dead adopted children. (3) In practice, most adopted children petitioning for termination of adoption after death are adults, and the court often considers that "the termination of adoption shall be obviously fair to the adoptive parents, their relatives, and natural relatives" before any approval. However, the high rate of approval in Taiwan shows that the institutional significance of the termination of adoption after death is to ensure a proper living environment and sound growth of adopted children who are minors, and the practical significance is to respect the self-identification of adopted children after they grow up, and protect their rights and interests of tracing their ancestry. By abiding by the legislative purpose of the termination after death to improve adopted children's living environment and respecting traditional customs and social facts, for adoptions established before 1985, as long as the adoptive parents have no children and the adopted children have changed their family names, this paper advocates to presume that the purpose of the adoptive parents is to continue the family line. It is expected that the court can achieve an appropriate balance between protecting the adopted children's interests and realizing the purpose of adoptive parents, thus taking on its role as a guardian of society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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