


The Construction of the Judicial Standard of Review in Controlling Shareholder-Led Transactions: Focusing on Cash-Out Mergers


陳盈如(Chen, Ying-Ju)


控制股東 ; 釋字第770號解釋 ; 現金逐出 ; 少數股東 ; 特別委員會 ; 整體公平性 ; 受託義務 ; Controlling Shareholders ; J.Y. Interpretation No. 770 ; Cash-Out Merger ; Minority Shareholder ; Special Committee ; Entire Fairness ; Fiduciary Duty




62期(2021 / 12 / 01)


65 - 147






J.Y. Interpretation No. 770 introduces the questions about the protection of minority shareholders in cash-out mergers led by controlling shareholders. Scholars and related discussions further point out the additional issues, which include the relatively low requirements necessary to initiate a cash-out merger, whether interested shareholders will refrain from voting at the board and shareholders' meetings, the power and duties of the special committee, the adequacy of the information disclosure, and the types of relief available for minority shareholders. This article makes an in-depth study of US laws and court decisions regarding controlling shareholders' fiduciary duties, the review standards for cash-out mergers, information disclosure obligations, the functions and duties of special committee, and the related issues in Taiwan's current legal system. This article proposes to establish the fiduciary duties for controlling shareholders and amending the laws and regulations for controlling shareholder-led transactions, which include the enactment of the special committees with specific functions and duties, the construction of the judicial standard of review and the types of relief of minority shareholders, to strength the protection of minority shareholders' rights in the controlling shareholder-led transactions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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