


Criminal Evaluation of Placebo Treatment


陳俊榕(Chen, Chun-Jung)


安慰劑 ; 安慰劑效應 ; 反安慰劑效應 ; 傷害罪 ; 詐欺罪 ; 醫療適應性 ; 醫療常規 ; 知情同意 ; placebo ; placebo effect ; nocebo effect ; offenses of causing injury ; offenses of fraudulence ; medical indications ; customary medical practice ; informed consent




64期(2022 / 12 / 01)


87 - 164






The method or effect of placebo treatments is still unclear in medicine. When the physicians choose to treat patients with placebo, it is very difficult to assess the criminal liabilities of physicians. From the perspective of criminal law, on the one hand, medical behavior is essentially an act of harm; on the other hand, for evaluating the legitimacy of placebo treatments, medical indications have no independent or special significance. Moreover, there is no customary medical practice to follow due to the specific and individual characteristics of the placebo treatments. Therefore, in the end it can only be discussed from the perspective of patient's consent. According to the requirements of the principle of informed consent, the premise of the effective consent of the patient is that the physicians have fully explained in advance. However, it will make the physicians in a dilemma, as the placebo is like a kind of magic, which will disappear once the patient sees through the illusion of magic. For such a dilemma, different situations should be distinguished. Whether the patient's status in clinical manifestations is worsening could for example be the standard. The patient's prior consent should be valid as to the harm caused by the placebo itself. With regard to the worsening status caused by the use of the placebo, the patient's prior consent is invalid. In addition, as the placebo treatments are not statutory medical services, there may be a problem of fraud when a physician actually performs a placebo treatment but declares the cost to the National Health Insurance Administration, MOHW with a fictitious verum treatment. However, since the physicians did objectively provide medical services, we cannot deny the economic value of the service merely because it is not a statutory service; on the contrary, if certain conditions are met, we should be sure that the physician's actions did not cause property damage, so that the crime of fraud is not established.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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