






薩文蕙(Wen-hui Sah);童寶娟(Paochuan Torng)


autism spectrum disorder ; internal state ; theory of mind ; Mandarin-speaking pre-adolescent ; 自閉症 ; 心智語彙 ; 心智理論 ; 漢語高年級學童


Taiwan Journal of Linguistics


17卷2期(2019 / 07 / 01)


67 - 89




This study investigated the ability of Mandarin-speaking pre-adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to use internal state language (ISL) in narratives. The data consist of narratives from pre-adolescents with ASD and typically developing controls, matched on gender, language and cognitive abilities. The narratives were elicited using Frog, where are you? Participants' use of ISL was assessed by focusing on lexical expressions referring to emotion, desire, cognition and perception. In addition, the Chinese Theory of Mind Tasks were administered to measure participants' theory-of-mind (ToM) abilities. The results reveal no group differences in basic narrative measures or in ToM performance. The two groups of participants were comparable in their overall use of ISL and in reference to individual category of internal states. In addition, our results displayed no association between the use of ISL and ToM abilities. The importance of the matching variables and the limitation of the ToM test batteries were discussed.


本文探討自閉症學童於敘事中使用心智語彙的能力。我們將自閉症與典型發展兒童就性別、語言、智商等能力指標配對,以Frog, where are you?為題材,量化敘事中有關情感、慾望、認知、感官等類別的詞彙,以分析兩組兒童心智語彙的使用及其與心智理論能力之關係。結果顯示:兩組兒童在心智語彙的使用及心智理論能力均未達顯著差異;心智語彙的使用與心智理論、語言、智商等能力指標間亦無顯著相關。

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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