


A Study on Community Residents' Attitudes and Behaviors towards Natural Conservation Driven by Actions of Community Building: An Example of Taomi Community in Nantou




林明瑞(Min-Ray Lin);陳柏言(Po-Yen Chen)


桃米社區 ; 社區發展 ; 生態社區 ; 自然保育 ; 計畫行為理論 ; Taomi Community ; community development ; ecological community ; nature conservation ; Theory of Planned Behavior TPB




5卷1期(2007 / 09 / 01)


73 - 129




九二一大地震為台灣中部地區帶來嚴重的災情,但危機也是轉機,南投縣埔里鎮桃米社區居民在地震過後利用其豐富的自然資源,加上專家的輔導及社區民眾的熱心參與,讓以往默默無聞的桃米坑現在能夠以發展成功的生態社區而聞名。因此瞭解九二一地震後桃米社區居民對自然保育的態度以及對各項社區環境行動之參與度,將能建立生態社區之發展模式,做為有意推動生態社區發展工作之人士及其他社區的參考。故本研究對深度參與社區營造過程之社區人士與積極協助社區發展之專家學者共十一人進行訪談,再針對桃米社區居民進行問卷調查,共寄出問卷300 份,回收有效問卷213份,回收率為71%,Cronbach α為.842。最後將專家訪談與問卷調查結果進行綜合整理,得到以下結論: 在歷經社區營造運動後,桃米社區居民對自然保育的認知、態度、行為與對居住環境的滿意度均有顯著的提升,是以顯示發展生態社區可以強化社區居民的環境知識、態度與行為,並有效改善社區的環境問題,提升生活環境品質。且經過生態社區的發展過程後,桃米社區居民對各項環境議題之了解與關心程度皆有顯著提升。 受訪民眾從事社區環境保育工作之主觀規範、態度、知覺行為控制、行為意向與行為的得分皆屬正向積極,且受訪者對社區環境保育工作的主觀規範(r=.507)、態度(r=.603)、知覺行為控制(r=.620)、行為(r=.619)均與行為意向達顯著正相關。社區居民從事社區環境保育工作最主要是受到「考慮到家人健康的影響」,其次為「政府單位或民間組織的影響」與「社區民眾的期待」。社區居民對社區環境保育工作的「態度」愈正向及「知覺行為控制能力」愈強,則對社區環境保育工作的「行為意向」也愈強;社區居民對社區環境保育工作的「行為意向」愈強,則能表現出更積極的社區環境保育「行為」。


The 921 Earthquake has brought big disaster to central areas of Taiwan, but it could be a turn for better. The Taomi Community in Puli has given new life to itself through abundant natural resource along with specialists' instructions and the residents' enthusiastic participation to this community. This renascence enabled this obscure community to become a famous ecological community. Therefore, to establish a model in developing an ecological community and to provide this model as a reference for other communities, it was necessary to realize the residents’ attitudes towards natural environments, and their behavioral intentions and behaviors in attending the developing activities. First, the researcher interview 11 specialists who had devoted to the development of the community. Then, a questionnaire investigation was conducted on the residents. The 300 issued questionnaires yielded a return of 213 (71.0%) with Cronbach α of .842. The integrated results of interviewing experts and questionnaire were shown as follows The residents' cognitions, attitudes and behaviors towards natural conservation and their satisfactions of living environment were significantly improved through this community development. This meant that ecological community development could intensify residents’ environmental cognitions, attitudes and behaviors and moreover effectively resolve the environmental problems of a community and promote the living quality of environment. Besides, the residents' understanding and concern of each environmental subjects were improved through community development process. The scores of investigated objects' subjective norms, attitudes, perceived behavioral control, behavioral intentions and behaviors were all positive, and objects' behavioral intentions showed positive correlation to their subjective norms(r=.507), attitudes(r=.603), perceived behavioral control(r=.620) and behaviors(.619) on their environmental protection works. Besides the main reason why the residents engaged in community development was ”health concern”; other reasons followed by ”influences from governmental and non-governmental organizations” and ”community residents’ expecting”. This result was also shown that the more positive the residents' concepts, attitudes and perceived behavioral control were, the stronger the behavioral intention was. In other words, the stronger the behavioral intention was, the more positive the behavior of environmental protection was.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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