


Elementary Teachers' Views about "Alien Species" and Their Environmental Values




湯奇霖(Ci-Lin Tang);劉湘瑤(Shaing-Yao Liu)


alien species ; environmental issues ; environmental values




5卷2期(2008 / 03 / 01)


1 - 32






The alien species invasion is one of the important environmental problems worldwide, which has also been discussed extensively as a controversial issue. The purpose of this paper was to analyze views about ”alien species” of 24 elementary school teachers in the region of Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County and Pingtung County, and to explore their environmental values when they made judgments on this issue. In-depth interviews aimed to elicit teachers' views about the cases of ”Mikania micrantha vs. Lantana camara” and ”the hybridization between Chinese Bulbul and Taiwan Bulbul”. Analyses revealed that teachers provided six kinds of view to define the ”alien species” based on geographical distribution and diffusion modes. On the scenarios of judgment task, teachers encountered conceptual conflicts so that most interviewees inclined to solve the controversies of ”alien species” using the ecological-scientific value. This study found that elementary teachers hold a variety of views and interpretations about ”alien species” and its impacts on local environment, and teachers may discuss about this issue in the class at times. Therefore, it is suggested that the issue of ”alien species” should be discussed from different angles and it involves moral and ethical reasoning. Environmental education should aim to raise people's awareness of environmental issues and foster their actions to prevent the problem caused by invasion of alien species.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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