


Taiwanese Pro-Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors: The Role of Values and Guilt




朱瑞玲(Ruey-Ling Chu);楊淑雯(Shu-Wen Yang)


利環境行為 ; 知識 ; 氣候變遷 ; 罪/恥感 ; 價值觀 ; pro-environmental behaviors (PEBs) ; knowledge ; guilt/shame ; climate change ; personal values




9卷2期(2013 / 03 / 01)


91 - 129




氣候變遷議題在國際間備受關注,節能減碳亦是各國極力推行的政策之一。壹灣能源政策起步雖早,但以國家經濟發展為主要考量,近年來社會整體的環境意識如何,亟待學術研究評估與討論。本研究試圖瞭解一般民眾的價值觀、道德感、環境知識及風險知覺等與利環境態度及行為之間的關係,關注於利環境態度與行為形成的個別差異,並探討環境知識及風險認知的效果。以 2010年台灣社會變遷基本調查六期一次環境問卷資料進行分析,結果顯示:(1)教育程度高、個人月收入高、重視利自然價值觀、罪感高者,其環境態度(環保效能與成本意願)較正向。(2)女性、年長、教育程度高、重視利自然價值觀、罪感高、環境態度正向者,較常做個人環保行為;社區環保活動則是男性做得較多。(3)控制人口背景變項及個別差異後,民眾是否有正確的氣候變遷知識對環保行為無顯著預測效果;但自認具有氣候變遷知識的信心除了會提高整體環境危險評估,產生災害憂慮,並直接對環境態度及環保行為造成影響。(4)民眾的個別差異除了直接影響節能環保行為,個人的利自然價值觀與罪感亦會經由環境態度中介,進而對環保行為造成影響。綜合以上研究發現,可知個人的環保行為因其背景條件而不同;而除了知識與風險認知外,我們認為價值觀與道德感亦是能提高國民珍惜與保護生活環境的重要因素。


This study examined the influences of personal values, morality (especially guilt), knowledge, and risk perception of global warming on environmental attitudes (EAs) and pro-environmental behaviors (PEBs). Data from the 2010 Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS, 2010) indicated that (1) education, personal monthly income, biospheric values, and guilt feelings were positively correlated with pro-environmetal attitudes (environmental efficacy and willingness to pay for environmental protection). (2) Age, education, biospheric values, guilt feelings, and pro-environmental attitudes were positively correlated with pro-environmental behaviors. (3) Controlling background variables and individual difference, environmental knowledge did not predict people's PEBs. However, people's confidence about environmental knowledge could raise their risk perception, thereby increasing their PEBs. (4) Individual differences influence PEBs directly, moreover, environmental attitudes also partially mediated the relationship between individual differences and PEBs. The authors suggest that cultivating pro-environmental values and a sense of morality might more directly influence pro-environmental actions than learned knowledge.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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