


Analysis of Development of Nature Experiences-Multiple Case Study of Three Urban Adolescents




曾鈺琪(Yu-Chi Tseng);王順美(Shun-Mei Wang)


多個案研究 ; 自然經驗 ; 都市青少年 ; multiple case study ; nature experiences ; urban adolescent




10卷1期(2013 / 09 / 01)


65 - 98






This multiple case study aimed to describe different periods of nature experiences of three urban adolescents. We analyzed developmental features, related social and psychological factors that influenced contents of nature experiences in each period. The participants were three 18-year-old adolescents on average who had various and continuous nature experiences from childhood to the second year of university. We collected data from in-depth interviews, field notes of participatory observation, student journals and school curriculum documents. Afterwards, we used analytical skills of grounded theory to code interview transcripts and compared the result with other sorts of data. We found that adolescents' development of nature experiences could be divided into periods of dependence, enlightenment, exploration and independence. The school policies, parents support, social relationships, psychological need to interact with peers as well as personal interest in nature characterized each period. The result also showed that as the age increased, adolescents preferred wild nature and higher challenges in activities to tamed environments and safe activities. The comparisons were made with the existing studies and suggestions were proposed according to the results and discussions.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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