


The Investigation of Current Situation and Development of Knowledge Assessment Form on Energy Conservation and Carbon Emission Reduction for Elementary School Students




林明瑞(Min-Ray Lin);周芝嬿(Zhi-Yan Zhou)


國小學童 ; 概念 ; 節能減碳 ; 標準化評量 ; elementary school ; concept ; Energy Conservation and Carbon Emission Reduction ; standardized assessment




11卷1期(2015 / 06 / 01)


89 - 119






This study explores the situation of elementary school students' misconceptions about Energy Conservation and Carbon Emission Reduction by analyzing related textbook contents existing within the country. Such situation is studied with a combination of conducting a semi-open questionnaire survey based on expert concept map and semi-structured clinical interviews. Closed questionnaire survey was carried out in accordance with the results from the semi-open questionnaire survey as well as the interviews. The questionnaires were compiled into formal questionnaires after experts' examination, twice pilot-tests and revisions, and were distributed for a large-scale test, based on the relative proportion adopted from the stratified quota sampling method. A total of 1,637 questionnaires were issued to all low, middle and high graders with 540 for each. The effective return rate was respectively 89, 92 and 97%. The form of Energy Conservation and Carbon Emission Reduction knowledge was compiled into four standardized topics for assessment: the main cause and impact of global warming, the technologies and methods of Energy Conservation and Carbon Emission Reduction, the international conventions and the international practices of Energy Conservation and Carbon Emission Reduction. There were 24, 32 and 35 questions in the assessment forms for low-, middle- and high-graders, respectively; the average difficulties were 0.618, 0.589 and 0.579; the average indices of discrimination were 0.433, 0.361 and 0.348, respectively. From the results of large-scale test, the conclusions can be drawn that in all aspects of Energy Conservation and Carbon Emission Reduction, the average performance of school children for "global warming effects" aspect was the optimal, followed by the "technologies and methods for Energy Conservation and Carbon Emission Reduction;" the "main cause and impact of global warming" aspect appeared to be the worst. In all sub- aspects, the performance of school children on "understanding of Eco-Label" was the worst.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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