


The Effects of a One-day Environmental Education Program on Children's Place Attachment and Environmentally Responsible Behavior: An Example of Chihnan Nature Center




曾啟銘(Chi-Ming Tseng);汪靜明(Jing-Ming Wang)


環境教育方案 ; 地方依附 ; 負責任環境行為 ; environmental education programs ; environmentally responsible behavior ; place attachment




11卷2期(2015 / 12 / 01)


5 - 38




林務局自然教育中心自設立以來,迄今已發展出多元的主題課程與環境教育方案,提供民眾與各級學校師生環境學習與體驗場域。環境教育的終極目標是培養具有負責任環境行為的公民,許多研究指出地方依附對環境態度與行為有正向的影響,環境教育方案介入能否增加學習者地方依附與負責任環境行為是研究者想探究的課題。故本研究藉由國小每學期實施戶外教育機會,結合自然中心一日型環境教育方案之推廣與執行,採立意取樣進行池南自然中心環境教育方案成效之評估。本研究採不等控制組前測-後測設計,透過問卷調查與質性訪談,探討室內課程與戶外體驗兼具之一日型環境教育方案介入前後,對兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為及其構面的影響。實驗組以花蓮市典型都市型A國小四年級4班共110人為研究對象,控制組為B國小92人。量化結果顯示實驗組兒童地方依附在環境教育方案介入後,顯著高於介入前(M=15.58, SD=11.03, t(109)=14.77, p < .01)。負責任環境行為在環境教育方案介入後顯著高於介入前(M=3.87, SD=4.17, t(109)=9.75, p < .01)。地方依附與負責任環境行為屬低度正相關(r=0.34, p < 0.1)。質性資料顯示提供直接參與並運用感官獲得經驗的池南自然中心環境教育方案,能正向增加兒童地方依附與負責任環境行為。


Many theme-based curriculums and Environmental Education Programs (EEPs) have been developed for the public to learn and experience over the years. The ultimate goal of environmental education is to cultivate citizens to become environmentally responsible. Many researchers have pointed out that Place Attachment (PA) has a positive impact on Environmentally Responsible Behavior (ERB). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to measure the effect of EEPs on PA and ERB. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through a nonequivalent control groups design (i.e. questionnaire) with pretest-posttest and interviews respectively. The experimental group was comprised of 110 children from Elementary School A and the control group consisted of 92 children from Elementary School B. Questionnaires and interviews were administered to 110 children who attended a one-day EEP at Chihnan Nature Center in East Taiwan. The results showed that EEP can significantly and positively increase children's PA (M=15.58, SD=11.03, t (109)=14.77, p < .01) as well as ERB (M=3.87, SD=4.17, t (109)=9.75, p < .01). PA and ERB appeared to have a low degree of positive correlation (r=0.34, p < .01). Hence, this study verifies that EEPs offering participation and perception experience can increase children's PA and ERB positively.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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