


Another Kind of Learning from Disaster: University Students Learning in an Authentic Context of the Post-Calamity




葉凱翔(Kai-Shiang Yeh)


大學生 ; 災害環境教育 ; 情境學習 ; university student ; environmental education on disasters ; situated learning




11卷2期(2015 / 12 / 01)


73 - 105




本研究源自於大學生與災害真實社會環境脫節為省思,目的在探討大學生在土石流災後環境下,以環境教育為主題發想的真實體驗性學習策略,以及分析學生學習後心態之改變與影響。研究者以大學通識課程「自然災害與永續發展」學生共計39人為對象進行研究,選擇一整天的時間進行災害真實體驗課程。結束後運用深度訪談研究法(in-depth interview)進行資料的蒐集。學生經歷一日的災後真實情境體驗學習課程後,研究結果指出:(1)學生在災害真實情境下的學習過程,是一個與環境教育脈絡相連的學習發展歷程;(2)學生在災害真實情境下學習,除了可以瞭解災害的知識、觀察災害的現場外,並透過傾聽學習到同理心;(3)學生對於在災害真實情境下學習的態度,皆抱持正向肯定。


The inspiration for conducting this research originated from reflections on university students being disconnect from social environment after occurrence of natural disasters. Based on the authentic experience-based learning strategies in terms of environmental education, this research aims to explore the transformation of university students' attitudes and influences after calamities. The research targets at the 39 students who had to receive the outdoor education all day from an elective general course called "Nature Disasters and Sustainable Development". In-depth interviews were conducted so as to collect information. After the lessons of the day, three research conclusions can be drawn: (1) Learning in the natural disaster scenario is a cohesive environmental education process; (2) From the scenario, it can be seen that students can learn not only knowledge about the disaster, but also empathy by observing the disaster scenes; and (3) All students learn in the natural disaster scenario with positive attitudes.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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