


Investigating the Effectiveness of Guided Biomimicry Teaching on Naturalist Intelligence and Biomimicry Design for Environmental Engineering Students




周鴻騰(Hong-Teng Chow);王順美(Shun-Mei Wang)


引導式仿生教學 ; 自然觀察智能 ; 仿生設計能力 ; guided biomimicry teaching ; naturalist intelligence ; biomimicry design




12卷1期(2016 / 06 / 01)


1 - 39






This study assessed the effects of guided biomimicry teaching in the program of environmental engineering on improving undergraduate students’ ability of naturalistintelligence and biomimicry design. The research design adopted the quasiexperimentaland nonequivalent pretest-posttest design, and data collection wascompleted by using questionnaire and portfolio assessment. Experimental Group 1received complete biomimicry teaching (N=43). Experimental Group 2 received onehalfof this biomimicry teaching (N=30). The control group received didacticinstruction without any biomimicry teaching (N=35). The outcomes of theintervention were measured by questionnaires before the course (pre-test), after thecourse (post-test), and four weeks after the intervention (follow-up test). The mainresearch results are as follows: (1) Post-test and follow-up test results showed that thenaturalist intelligence of the two experimental groups did not improve significantly.However, outdoor observation, breeding animals, and carefully observing details oflife were helpful in increasing naturalist intelligence. (2) The two experimental groupsachieved higher biomimicry design scores than the control group. Furthermore, afterfour weeks, the biomimicry design scores of Experimental Group 1 were significantlybetter than those of Experimental Group 2. (3) Portfolio assessment revealed thatstudents had difficulties with comparing and finding similarities, analysis of scientific Journal of Environmental Education Research, 12(1), 201639principles, and biomimicry design. Analogical thinking skill and biomimicry designability could be improved with better domain-specific knowledge and meta-cognitiveskills. (4) After the course, students have new ideas of environmental problem solving,and also show more interest, curiosity, and active exploration to biomimicry.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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