


A Preliminary Study on the Views of Marine Sustainable Development with a Model-based Curriculum




莊秋蘭(Qiu Lan Zhuang);李文瑜(Silvia Wen-Yu Lee);蕭淳浩(Chun-Hao Xiao);曾一偵(Yi-Zhen Zeng);黃耀萱(Yao-Xuan Huang)


建模教學 ; 海洋永續 ; 概念圖 ; model-based instruction ; marine sustainability ; concept map




14卷1期(2018 / 06 / 01)


117 - 158






Education for sustainable development refers to various educational contents, methods, and behaviors provided for the sustainable development of human society. Most scholars believed that sustainable development is the coexisting and balance of the three aspects, namely, economy, environment and society. Because the concept of sustainable marine management is complex and beyond the general life experience of students, this study uses a model-based curriculum to help students to understand the growth and decline of marine populations and to understand the dynamic relationship between human beings and marine ecology. The goal was to let students understand the concepts of sustainable marine and develop value judgements on sustainability. The research participants are 22 seventh-grade students from central Taiwan. The research questions include: (1) to understand how the students' views of sustainable marine progressed during the modeling learning process, and (2) to investigate the extent to which, the students' definitions and values of sustainable marine changed after participating in the curriculum. We reached the following conclusions. First, based on the results of the concept maps, the students' views of sustainable marine development improved in the environmental and economic aspects after the teaching. Second, after participating in the modeling curriculum, students' definitions of sustainable marine development were more comprehensive and the definitions showed the three aspects of economy, environment and society. That is, students were able to define the marine environment in a broader perspective. Finally, the students' judgments of the value of sustainable development were broadened from the dichotomy between right and wrong to judging from multiple perspectives.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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