


Planting the Seeds of Wellbeing: An Example of the Overnight Environmental Education Program at Dongyanshan Nature Center




王喜青(Hsi-Ching Wang);周儒(Ju Chou)


心理幸福感 ; 方案評估 ; 幸福感 ; 自然教育中心 ; 環境教育成效 ; psychological well-being ; program evaluation ; well-being ; nature center ; effectiveness of environmental education




14卷1期(2018 / 06 / 01)


77 - 116






The study intends to take program, "FBI: File 930" from Dongyanshan Nature Center, as an example to assess the effects of programs on the effectiveness of Environmental Education (EE) and well-being, exploring the sources of well-being and the relationships between EE effectiveness and well-being in the program. The investigation was conducted in 2014 and 2015, applying nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Data were collected through questionnaires from 134 program participants and 103 non-participants. According to the ANCOVA results, significant improvements were found in the environmental skills, environmental knowledge, environmental attitude, positive emotions, psychological well-being and learning satisfactions of the participants. It is implied that the curricula had helped the program achieve its EE objectives and increased the well-being. The sources of wellbeing include contacts with creatures, learning new things and positive interpersonal relationship. In particular, contacts with creatures correspond to the fact that nature has the potential for increasing people's well-being. The EE effectiveness is positively correlated with the positive emotions of well-being, psychological well-being and learning satisfaction, but negatively correlated with the negative emotion. The results represent that the increase of positive emotions, psychological well-being, learning satisfactions and the decrease of negative emotions would help environmental learning of the students; while the increase of psychological well-being also helps to shape one's environmental attitude. The research provides suggestions for EE programs planning and future studies based on the results, with the expectation of contributions to both practices and academic studies.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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