


The Effects of "Future Studies in Environment" Course on Undergraduate Students' Climate Change Literacy and Perceived Changes




陳維立(Weili Jasmine Chen)


未來思維 ; 氣候變遷教育 ; 常模 ; 教學介入 ; 混合取向研究法 ; future thinking ; climate change education ; norm ; educational intervention ; mixed-methods research




14卷2期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 56






Climate change education has gained monumental recognition in addressing one of the most complex, challenging, and urgent issues of humanity in the 21st century. However, existing survey results in Taiwan highlighted that undergraduate students scored the lowest in environmental, climate change and disaster prevention literacies among other age groups. To address the needs of effective climate change education program in university settings, the study examined the outcomes of "Future Studies in Environment" course on the components of literacy and perceived changes through a mixed-methods approach. A higher result than the norm in the action dimension and affective dimensions can be observed after the comparisons of the T scores from a nationwide survey. Quantitative results also suggested that the final climate change action film-making appeared to serve as a keystone experience for students to integrate all the knowledge and skills obtained in the course. Two findings are obtained: (1) the course really instilled changed minds and behaviors in response to climate change and (2) re-connecting and strengthening future thinking to present acting could be achieved by means of hope and personal field experiences. Suggestions for climate change education in the university settings, especially the higher education institutions in Asia and the Pacific with course facilitation for international students' leaning are given.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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