


Analysis of Media Attention and Long-Term Media Coverage of Environmental Issues: with Examples of Domestic and Foreign Newspapers




楊意菁(Yie-Jing Yang)


中外報紙媒體 ; 報導量分析 ; 媒體關注 ; 環境議題 ; domestic and foreign newspapers ; quantity of coverage theory ; media attention ; environmental issues




16卷2期(2020 / 12 / 01)


1 - 45




本研究採用媒體報導量分析方法剖析報紙新聞,總共分析了1987-2017年國內外五家報紙媒體(《聯合報》、《中國時報》、《經濟日報》、《蘋果日報》與《New York Times》),進行媒體關注與環境議題之探討與比較分析。研究結果發現,「核能」、「水資源」以及「氣候變遷」是報紙媒體長期關注的環境議題,最少被報導的議題為「糧食危機」以及「基因改造」。四家國內媒體對於環境議題的關注,也不盡相同。《聯合報》與《中國時報》最關注的議題,分別是「水資源」、「核能」以及「空氣品質」,《經濟日報》長期以來最為關注的議題則是「節能減碳」,《蘋果日報》報導的環境議題與其它報紙有著較大的差異,最為關注的議題是「食品安全」。比對國內媒體《聯合報》與國外媒體《New York Times》發現,臺灣媒體的報導量明顯少於國外媒體。兩報對於環境議題的關注亦有所不同,「氣候變遷」議題長期以來受到國外媒體很大的關注。國內報紙除了「基因改造」、「塑化劑」、「節能減碳」議題,報導量較國外多,其他議題報導量皆少於國外媒體。唯一國內外媒體同樣關注的議題,即為「核能」議題。


In this study, quantity of coverage theory was applied for the analysis of environmental issues reported by print media. A total of five domestic and foreign newspapers from 1987 to 2017 (United Daily News, China Times, Economic Daily News, Apple Daily, and The New York Times) were analyzed for discussing about media attention and environmental issues. The results showed that "nuclear energy", "water resources" and "climate change" were the environmental issues that have long been the focus of newspaper media. The least reported issues were "food crisis" and "genetic modification". The coverage of environmental issues by the four domestic newspapers was also different. United Daily News and China Times focused more on "water resources", "nuclear energy" and "air quality" related issues, while the Economic Daily News focused more on "energy saving and carbon reduction". The focus of environmental issues reported by Apple Daily was "food safety", which was quite different from the others. Comparing the domestic media, United Daily News, with the foreign media, The New York Times, it was found that Taiwan press had significantly less coverage than foreign press. The two newspapers also differed in their attention to environmental issues, with the issue of "climate change" receiving a great deal of attention from foreign media for a long time. Except for "genetic modification", "plasticizer" and "energy saving and carbon reduction", which received more coverage in the domestic newspapers, all other issues received less coverage than in the foreign media. The only issue of equal interest to both domestic and foreign media was related to "nuclear energy".

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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