


Fostering Junior High School Students' Energy Literacy Through Integrating the Energy Issue into Science Curriculum




陳仕燁(Shih-Yeh Chen);劉湘瑤(Shiang-Yao Liu)


太陽能 ; 能源素養 ; 節能減碳 ; 論證 ; 自然科學課程 ; solar energy ; energy literacy ; energy saving & carbon reduction ; argumentation ; science curriculum




18卷2期(2023 / 07 / 01)


39 - 72






The topic of "Energy Exploitation and Use" has been included in the new Science Curriculum Standards. In recent years, energy literacy is also an important educational agenda all over the world. This study aimed to develop an instruction for 9th graders that energy resources and environmental issues are incorporated into an existing science unit. Students' energy literacy was assessed to evaluate the influence of this instruction. Three components of the instruction were applied in which students are not only equipped with scientific concepts to deal with energy issues but also inspired to propose action plans for energy conservation. The instant response system was adopted to allow students to present their individual stances and reasons and communicate with other peers. Sixty-six students completed a computer-based test for energy literacy before and after the instruction. The energy literacy assessment included energy concepts, reasoning in energy issues, civic responsibility for a sustainable society, and low-carbon lifestyle dimensions. Results indicated that students have a significant improvement on the assessment, especially with the large effect sizes on the dimensions related to knowledge and behavior. However, students' written responses to essay questions showed that there is a need to improve their competence to discern information and support their claims with reasoned warrants with evidence. This study recommended that incorporating issues into science teaching could equip students with rational judgment and authentic action.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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