


Justice, Relationship Quality and Relationship Performance in Transaction of Channel Members-A Study of Retailing Industry in North Taiwan




婁文信(Wen-Shinn Low);李政達(Jeng-Da Lee);劉義聖(Yi-Sheng Liu)


公平性 ; 關係品質 ; 關係績效 ; 零售業 ; 線性結構方程式 ; Justice ; Relationship quality ; Relationship performance ; Retailing industry ; SEM




5卷2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


97 - 123






Prior research into justice is mostly from the perspective of organizational behavior. Along with the emerging of service industry, justice has been applied not only in organizations but also in consumers. However less attention has been paid to distribution of channels. Using Structure Equation Model (SEM), this study explores the relationships among justice, relationship quality and relationship performance by sampling 407 non-franchised retailing firms in north Taiwan. The findings of the research demonstrate that justices (distributive justice, procedural justice and interaction justice) are significantly associated with relationship quality and relationship performance, showing that justices play an important role in transaction between suppliers and retailers. Of these justices, distributive justice has the highest influence on relationship quality, followed by procedural justice and then interaction justice. The results imply that the most concern of retailing firms is the ratio of output/input; the least one is personal interaction with the first-line representatives of suppliers. Relationship quality mediates between justice and relationship performance. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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