


An Assessment of Core Resources in Public Museum Sustainable Operation from the Resource-Based View




李正文(Cheng-Wen Lee);鐘若慈(Jo-Tzu Chung)


資源基礎觀點 ; 核心資源 ; 模糊層級分析 ; Resource-Based View ; Core Resource ; Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process




8卷1期(2010 / 06 / 01)


61 - 88






Museum operation is full of challenge due to changing social environment and structure of population. In order to pursue sustainable operation, museum must create its own distinctive features and strengthen core resources that others cannot imitate. Aadditionally, the government and related agencies need to provide important assistance to make museums with abundant resources to offer cultural welfare to the public. The main purpose of this research discloses core resources of museums in facing intense competition and scare external recources. After clarifying concepts, the paper divides the core resources of museums into five aspects and then analysizes the evaluation criteria. 37 returned questionnaires are analyzed by the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process approach. The results show that the most important two aspects for sustainable operation are tangible asset and organizational capability. As for evaluation criteria, abundant collection is weighted the highest under the tangible asset; government subsidy is the highest under the financial asset; brand image is the key factor under the intangible asset; innovation capability is the highest under the organization capability; and personal capability is the important leadership capability. Based on the findings, this research indicates that museum should put focus on collections, innovate continually and offer new commodities and activities, regard the leadership among top management as a crucial asset, and establish more exellent brand imange.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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