行政院青年輔導委員會,2010,90 年至98 年9 月行政院青輔會青年創業輔導成果一覽表。
Ajzen, I.(1991).The Theory of Planned Behavior.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,50(2),179-211.
Anderson, L. M.,Bateman, T. S.(1997).Cynicism in the Workplace: Some Causes and Effects.Journal of Organizational Behavior,18(5),449-469.
Auken, H. V.,Stephens, P.,Fry, F. L.,Silva, J.(2006).Role Model Influences on Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Comparison between USA and Mexico.International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,2(3),325-336.
Bandura, A.(1986).Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory.New Jersey:Prentice-Hall.
Benjamin, G.,Philip, L.(1986).A Behavioral Model of Entrepreneurial Supply.Journal of Small Business Management,24(4),45-53.
Bird, B.(1993).Demographic Approaches to Entrepreneurship: the Role of Experience and Background.Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence, and Growth,1,11-48.
Bono, J. E.,Judge, T. A.(2003).Core Self-Evaluations: A Review of the Trait and its Role in Job Satisfaction and Job Performance.European Journal of Personality,17(2),5-18.
Brice, J.(2004).The Role of Personality Dimensions on the Formation of Entrepreneurial Intentions.18th Annual USASBE Conference,Dallas, TX:
Chen, C. C.,Greene, P. G.,Crick, A.(1998).Does Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Distinguish Entrepreneurs from Managers?.Journal of Business Venturing,13(4),295-316.
Davidsson, P.(1995).Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions.RENT IX Workshop,Piacenza, Italy:
Drennan, J.,Kennedy, J.,Renfrow, P.(2005).Impact of Childhood Experiences on the Development of Entrepreneurial Intentions.International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation,6(4),231-238.
Dubini, P.(1989).The Influence of Motivations and Environment on Business Start-Ups: Some Hints for Public Policies.Journal of Business Venturing,4(1),11-26.
Fornel l , C.,Larcker, D. F.(1981).Evaluat ing St ructural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error.Journal of Marketing Research,18(1),39-50.
Franke, N.,Lüthje, C.(2004).Entrepreneurial Intentions of Business Students: A Benchmarking Study.International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management,1(3),269-288.
Ghosh, B.C.,Kwan, W.(1996).An Analysis of Key Success Factors of SMEs: A Comparative Study of Singapore/Malaysia and Australia/New Zealand.41st ICSB World Conference Proceedings I,Stockholm, Sweden:
Greenberger, D. B.,Sexton, D. L.(1988).An Interactive Model of New Venture Initiation.Journal of Small Business Management,26(3),1-7.
Hill, G. E.,Zhao, H.,Seibert, S. E.(2005).The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy in the Development of Entrepreneurial Intentions.Journal of Applied Psychology,90(6),1265-1272.
Judge, T. A.,Bono, J. E.(2001).Relationship of Core Self-Evaluations Traits-Self-Esteem, Generalized Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control, and Emotional Stability-With Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis.Journal of Applied Psychology,86(1),80-92.
Judge, T. A.,Bono, J. E.,Erez, A.,Locke, E. A.(2005).Core Self-Evaluations and Job and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Self-Concordance and Goal Attainment.Journal of Applied Psychology,90(2),257-268.
Judge, T. A.,Erez, A.,Bono, J. E.(1998).The Power of Being Positive: The Relation between Positive Self-Concept and Job Performance.Human Performance,11(2-3),167-187.
Judge, T. A.,Erez, A.,Bono, J. E.,Thoresen, C. J.(2002).Are Measures of Self-Esteem, Neuroticism, Locus of Control, and Generalized Self-Efficacy Indicators of a Common Core Construct.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,83(3),693-710.
Judge, T. A.,Erez, A.,Bono, J. E.,Thoresen, C. J.(2003).The Core Self-Evaluations Scale: Development of a Measure.Personnel Psychology,56(2),303-331.
Judge, T. A.,Locke, E. A.,Durham, C. C.,Kluger, A. N.(1998).Dispositional Effects on Job and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Core Evaluations.Journal of Applied Psychology,83(1),17-34.
Kennedy, J.,Drennan, J.,Renfrow, P.,Watson, B.(2003).Situational Factors and Entrepreneurial Intentions.Proceedings of SEAANZ 2003 Conference,Ballarat, VIC:
Kent, C. A.(Ed.),Sexton, D. L.(Ed.),Vesper, K. H.(Ed.)(1982).The Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship.New Jersey:Prentice-Hall.
Krueger, N.(1993).The Impact of Prior Entrepreneurial Exposure on Perceptions of New Venture Feasibility and Desirability.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,18(1),5-21.
Krueger, N.,Brazael, D. V.(1994).Entrepreneurial Potential and Potential Entrepreneurs.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,18(3),91-104.
Krueger, N.,Carsrud, A.(1993).Entrepreneurial Intentions: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior.Entrepreneurship & Regional Development,5(4),315-330.
Krueger, N.,Reilly, M. D.,Carsrud, A. L.(2000).Competing Models of Entrepreneurial Intention.Journal of Business Venturing,15(5-6),411-432.
Liñán, F.,Chen, Y. W.(2009).Development and Cross-Cultural Application of a Specific Instrument to Measure Entrepreneurial Intentions.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,33(3),593-617.
Liñán, F.,Rodríguez-Cohard, J. C.,Rueda-Cantuche, J. M.(2005).Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Intention Levels.45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association,Amsterdam: Holanda:
Liñán, F.,Santos, F. J.(2007).Does Social Capital Affect Entrepreneurial Intentions?.International Advances in Economic Research,13(4),443-453.
Pervin, L. A.(Ed.)(1990).Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research.New York:Guilford.
Segal, G.,Borigia, D.,Schoenfeld, J.(2005).The Motivation to Become an Entrepreneur.International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research,11(1),42-57.
Spector, P. E.(1982).Behavior in Organizations as a Function of Employee's Locus of Control.Psychological Bulletin,91(3),482-497.
Wilkin, P. H.(1979).Entrepreneurship: A Comparative and Historical Study.New Jersey:Ablex Publishing.