


Relationships among Core Self- Evaluation, Entrepreneurial Motivation and Entrepreneurial Intensions for New Employees-A Case Study of a university in south Taiwan




吳美連(Me-Lien Wu);莊文隆(Wen-Long Zhuang);洪培峻(Pei-Jun Hong)


核心自我評價 ; 推式創業動機 ; 拉式創業動機 ; 創業傾向 ; Core Self-Evaluation ; Push Motivation of Entrepreneurship ; Pull Motivation of Entrepreneurship ; Entrepreneurial Intension




10卷1期(2012 / 04 / 01)


73 - 92






The major purpose of the current work is to elucidate the relationships among core self-evaluation, entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial intensions for the new generation. The subjects included those who were born during 1960s-1970s and had work experience less than five years. This study used convenience sampling method to distribute 410 questionnaires and retrieved 261 valid questionnaires, representing 63.7% valid response rate. Results of data analyses supported the three hypotheses developed by this study. This study found that the entrepreneurial motivation was significantly related to entrepreneurial intensions, of which pull motivation was positively related to entrepreneurial intensions. Core self- evaluation was significantly related to with entrepreneurial intensions, but the interaction of entrepreneurial motivation and core self-evaluation did not show significant relationship with entrepreneurial intensions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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