


Exploring Children Advertising Ethics in Taiwan-From the Experts' Perspective


丁姵元(Pei-Yuan Ting);楊敏玄(Min-Xuan Yang);顏昌明(Chang-Ming Yan)


企業倫理 ; 兒童廣告 ; 廣告倫理 ; Business Ethics ; Advertising to Children ; Advertising Ethics




12卷1期(2014 / 04 / 01)


35 - 69






Excess weight in children is a significant global issue. Food marketing to children has been recognized as one of the factors contributing to this problem. In order to protect the children, many countries have legislation to restrict children advertising. But in Taiwan, not only that there is very few relevant registration, there seems to be very few research about the issue of children advertising. The purpose of this research is to explore and investigate the children advertising situation in Taiwan from experts' perspective. The result reveals that younger children are not fully aware of the persuasive intent of marketing and tend to accept advertising as truthful and accurate. Moreover, with the increase of double-income families and less birth rate, children seem to have more decision-making power in their families. In term of the legislation, some suggested that learning from other developed country is a way to solve the problem. But some other suggests that since the execution of the legislation is also a common problem in Taiwan, legislation might not be enough to solve the problem. Instead, many suggest that advertising self-regulation seems to be a better option. However, it is still a challenging task since most of the businesses are still profit-oriented. Therefore, awareness of consumers is another powerful force which can restrict the behavior of the business. On the other hand, many primary schools in Taiwan are also struggling in executing media literacy course which aims enable children to understand and critically appraise media content. In addition, due to limited awareness of the problem, parents require education and assistance in ensuring their roles of playing models, monitors and mediators of appropriate media use for children.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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