In this paper, the main exports from Taiwan to United States, China, Japan, and Europe are studied during the period of 2009 to 2014. The seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) approach is used to explore the impact of exchange rate related variables on Taiwan's export order volume, including gross domestic product, money supply, exchange rates, consumer price index, and exchange rate volatility. The empirical results show that the money supply of the United States has a positive correlation to exports since the quantitative easing policy started while China and Europe exhibit negative correlation. As expected, consumer price index of all four countries shows negative correlation to exports. Also as expected, gross domestic product of the United States, China and Japan has been evidenced positive correlation except Europe. During 2009 to 2014, the exchange rates of Japan and Europe were appreciated and export orders increased, showing that the exchange rates of both countries have a positive correlation to rxport orders. However, the United States and China expose negative correlation. As to the effect of exchange rate volatility resulting in dropping exchange rate, it acts negatively to the exchange rate accordingly. Simulating 3% increase of the money supply and exchange rate respectively for each country, the scenario results show that only Japan in four countries has significant money supply effect on export orders with 1.3-fold larger than money supply increase. The exchange rate effect of each country is not low especially for China having 3.5-fold larger than exchange rate increase. Europe is lowest for both effects. In fact, 2014 Q4 sales surged apparently. Thus, considering quarterly seasonal effect and adding seasonal dummy variable to SUR, it shows the seasonal effect is significant and the prediction of rxport orders becomes improved.
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