


Explore How Altruism, Altruistic Attribution, Service Quality and Relationship Quality to Achieve Sustainable Operations of Social Enterprise


張東生(Dong-Shang Chang);林家安(Chia-An Lin);葉俐廷(Li-Ting Yeh);王柔文(Rou-Wen Wang)


利他主義 ; 利他歸因 ; 顧客忠誠度 ; 服務品質 ; 關係品質 ; Altruistic Attribution ; Altruism ; Customer Loyalty ; Service Quality ; Relationship Quality




16卷1期(2018 / 04 / 01)


39 - 54




社會責任意識抬頭後,企業型態隨之轉變,缺乏營利行為之社會企業(Social Enterprise)將難以永續經營。顧客忠誠度是企業永續發展的根基,服務品質與關係品質則是影響顧客長期支持的主因,而關係品質又可細分為滿意度、信任與承諾。再基於顧客自我犧牲以維持他人權益之行為,以及顧客對於企業服務是基於善因而提供服務之認知,將對顧客忠誠度造成影響。因此,本研究致力探討利他主義、利他歸因、服務品質、關係品質對於顧客忠誠度的影響。調查總計共發放402份,扣除無效問卷後,有效問卷358份,回收率為89%。實證結果顯示,首先,企業透過舉辦社會慈善活動,可以傳達其社會意念,提升顧客欲幫助他人的渴望。其次,加強員工禮儀訓練,將有效提升顧客對企業的滿意度與信任感。最後,當顧客信賴店家的產品且滿意被對待的服務時,顧客便會開始注重與店家的關係,進而持續消費。因此,建議企業要維持顧客忠誠度可以自利他主義、利他歸因、服務品質先行著手,進而達成社會企業永續經營之目標。


As the form of corporate self-regulation awareness for business rises, business strategies have changed. As social enterprises lack for-profit activities, it is difficult to achieve sustainable development, as compared to profit-making businesses. Loyalty is an important determinant of relationship quality and service quality; therefore, in order to create customer loyalty, companies are committed to the establishment of long-term relationships with customers. The customer's practice regarding the welfare of others and the altruistic attributions of the enterprise have influence on customer loyalty. This study aims to explore how altruism, altruistic attribution, service quality, and relationship quality affect the loyalty of customers. A questionnaire survey is conducted, with responses given on a 7-point Likert scale. There are a total of 402 questionnaires distributed, and 358 responses are collected, resulting in a valid response rate of 89%. The causal relationship of path analysis is found using the structural equation model. The empirical results show that the charitable activities of social enterprises can convey their social ideas and enhance the desire of customers to help others. Second, through strengthening staff etiquette training, enterprises can effectively enhance customer satisfaction and trust in the enterprise. When customers have trust and satisfaction with a service, it is easy to have continued consumption behavior. Therefore, to achieve the goal of sustainable development of social enterprises, through altruism, altruistic attribution, service quality, and relationship quality, enterprises can maintain the loyalty of customers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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