


Pirate or Buy? The Moderating Effect of Ethical Music Self-Efficacy and Idolatry Based on the Extension of Planned Behavior Theory


林南宏(Nan-Hong Lin);陳怡文(Yi-Wen Chen)


計畫行為理論 ; 偶像崇拜 ; 盜版音樂倫理效能 ; Theory of Planned Behavior ; Idolatry ; Ethical Music Self-Efficacy




16卷1期(2018 / 04 / 01)


55 - 81






Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior, the current study takes into account the moderating effect of ethical music self-efficacy and idolatry to supplement the lack of related studies in the relationship between the intention to illegally download music and the intention to buy music in addition to examine the explanatory power of the theory in predicting downloading intention for pirated music. Taken the domestic Internet users as a research subject, this study collects valid questionnaires of 296 through the Internet and a convenient sampling in a physical local area. The structural equation modeling and hierarchical regression were used to examine the reliability and validity of measurement instrument and test research hypotheses. The findings reveal that: (1) The attitude to illegally download music, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control all have a significantly positive impact on the intention to illegally download music. (2) The intention to illegally download music exerts a negative influence on the intention to buy legal digital music, but has no significant effect on the intention to buy a specific singer's albums. (3) The moderating effect of ethical music self-efficacy exists in the negative relationship between the intention to illegally download music and the intention to buy legal digital music, while ethical music self-efficacy does not moderate the relationship between the intention to illegally download music and the intention to buy a specific singer's albums. (4) The idolatry moderates the relationship between the intention to illegally download music and the intention to buy a specific singer's albums. Finally, the relevant discussions are present in light of empirical outcomes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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