


How Paternalistic Leadership and Ethical Climate Promote Citizenship Behavior: The View of Cross-level Analysis


黃靖文(Jing-Wen Huang);張韶蘭(Shao-Lan Chang)


家長式領導 ; 倫理氣候 ; 公民行為 ; 跨層次分析 ; Paternalistic Leadership ; Ethical Climate ; Citizenship Behavior ; Cross-Level Analysis




19卷1期(2021 / 04 / 01)


47 - 66






Paternalistic leadership is an unique leadership model for Chinese society. Most existing literature explores paternalistic leadership in the contexts of enterprises and sports teams. Little research integrates organizational level and individual level to explore paternalistic leadership. This study uses hierarchical linear modeling to explore whether the paternalistic leadership at the organizational level can influence ethical climate, and then affect the teacher's citizenship behavior at the individual level. The stratified random sampling was used to collect data. The questionnaires collected from the teachers of elementary schools in Taiwan were used for cross-level regression analysis. The findings of this study revealed different effects of paternalistic leadership on organizational ethical climate. Paternalistic leadership and ethical climate have significantly effects on teacher's citizenship behavior. Ethical climate has a cross-level mediating effect on the relationship between organizational level paternalistic leadership and teacher's citizenship behavior. To promote teacher's citizenship behavior, school leaders should realize that building positive ethical climate can effectively transform the relationship between paternalistic leadership and teacher's citizenship behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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