


The Impact of Expatriates' LMX on Workplace Deviant Behavior in Vietnam: Moderating Effects of External Work Value and Job Insecurity


邱雅萍(Ya-Ping Chiu);蘇中南(Trung-Nam Tô)


外派人員 ; 職場偏差行為 ; 領導部屬交換 ; 外在工作價值 ; 工作不安全感 ; Expatriate ; Workplace Deviant Behavior ; Leader-Member Exchange ; External Work Value ; Job Insecurity




20卷1期(2022 / 04 / 01)


77 - 96






With the economic development in Vietnam, companies' investment in Vietnam has increased year by year. Many employees are assigned to Vietnam as expatriates. However, intensified international competition and changes in the overseas assignment policy of multinational enterprises have affected expatriates' work attitude and behavior. This study explores the relationship between leader-member exchange (LMX) and workplace deviant behavior from the perspective of social exchange theory. Through the questionnaire survey, 216 valid questionnaires were returned. An effective response rate is 72%. The result shows that when expatriates have low LMX, they will engage in workplace deviant behavior. Expatriates with high external work value moderates the relationship between LMX and workplace deviant behavior. Expatriates with high work insecurity moderates the relationship between LMX and workplace deviant behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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