


The Spillover and Leverage Effects of Cryptocurrency


陳若暉(Jo-Hui, Chen);賴志龍(Chih-Lung Lai )


加密貨幣 ; 外溢效果 ; 槓桿效果 ; GARCH-M-ARMA模型 ; EGARCH-M-ARMA模型 ; Cryptocrrency ; Spillover Effect ; Leverage Effect ; GARCH-M-ARMA ; EGARCH-M- ARMA




21卷2期(2023 / 08 / 01)


1 - 31






This paper used the GARCH-M-ARMA and EGARCH-M- ARMA models to examine the existence of the spillover effects of return and return volatility as well as leverage effect between cryptocurrency and fiat currency. Both the cryptocurrency and the fiat currency have fluctuated on clustering phenomenon, risk, and the leverage effect. This paper found that the Dollar Index, Euro Index, RMB index, and Yen Index had a spillover effect on the Bitcoin and the Litecoin. The previous return volatilities of fiat currencies have impacts on the current return volatilities of cryptocurrencies. Also, the results of Bitcoin and Dollar index showed significantly two-way negative spillover effect.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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