


An Assessment on the Regional Economic Effects of the Su-Hwa Highway Transportation Plan




林幸君(Hsing-Chun Lin);高慈敏(Tzu-Min Kao)


區域投入產出模型 ; 多區域變動係數投入產出模型 ; 蘇花國道 ; Regional input-output model ; Multiregional variable input-output model ; Su-Hwa highway




38卷2期(2008 / 03 / 01)


31 - 72






During the process of economic development, many countries witnessed an Urban-Rural problem. Because of geographic constraints, eastern Taiwan's development pattern is different from western Taiwan's. The Executive Yuan (2002) has planned to build the Su-Hwa Highway, to achieve multiple goals of balanced regional development, doubling tourist arrivals and island-wide trunk transportation construction. Transportation is an key factor in regional development. The core-periphery relationship is sensitive to transportation, while the negative western Taiwan experiences, such as sacrificing the rights of labor and environmental conditions, make many groups which promote culture and natural ecology hesitant to approve the plan. The main concern is the worsening of eastern Taiwan's development. This research tries to apply a Multiregional Input-Output Model and Multiregional Variable Input-Output model, in order to assess economic and environmental impact. This research found that during the building period of Su-Hwa Highway, the economic growth rate and employment growth of Hualienwill be doubled, but the CO2 emission effect and air pollution effects will be triple. And after the Su-Hwa Highway opens, because of the transaction cost saving effect, the Hualien district will have the most economic growth benefit, and the growth effect in the Taipei area is negative.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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