




李建良(Chien-Liang Lee)


代際正義 ; 永續發展 ; 代際法 ; 權利 ; 義務 ; 正當程序 ; 制度選擇 ; Intergenerational equity ; Sustainable development ; Intergenerational law ; Rights ; Obligations ; Due process ; Choice of institutions




46卷2期(2016 / 03 / 01)


209 - 242






This article aims at discussing legal issues surrounding equity and justice between present and future generations, from a legal and normative perspective that incorporates both international and local outlooks. Specifically, this article discusses the principle of intergenerational equity and sustainable development in the following six dimensions: dialectical analysis of the core concepts, normative contents and their implementation, imagery of rights, discourse of obligations, due process, and construction of relevant mechanisms. This article argues that the human society at present should be seen as accommodating different generations in partnership coexistence in which everyone should work for the continuation of human generations and wellbeing, and in this light, the conceptual orientation should shifted from "development" toward "sustainability". Further, because the concept of sustainability contains an element of generational continuation of life, the concept of sustainable development, as a subject of legal studies, necessarily incorporates the perspective of "Intergenerational Law". From the perspective of democracy and the rule of law, sustainable development should have "generational sustainability" as the imagery ideals in guiding the formulation of its legal frameworks and mechanisms under the "law of generational sustainability". One task that is of paramount importance is to amend the constitution by adding a clause on the principle of sustainability and the state’s obligation in ensuring intergenerational equity- such as providing that "The State shall observe the principle of sustainability in protection of the interest of future generations"- , so as to make a clear normative statement reflecting the consensus of people in guiding Taiwan toward a sustainable state and a community of justice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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