The seminal work of Deaton and Paxson (1994) uses Personal Income Distribution Surveys of Taiwan (1976-1990), Family Expenditure Survey of UK (1969- 1990), and Consumer Expenditure Survey of US (1980-1990) to study inequality over the life cycle. They find that within cohort inequality of earnings and of consumption fan out over time, suggesting a sizable, uninsurable random component of earnings. Later studies employ different country data, new and longer-term data, or different control variables to examine the robustness of the Deaton-Paxson finding. To our knowledge, there has been no subsequent study on Taiwan. The purpose of this paper is to fill in the void by using the same but longer data (1976-2011) on Taiwan. We compare the differences before and after 1990, short- and long-term data, and Taiwan verus UK and US.
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