


The Relationship among Irrational Beliefs, Anxiety and Depression of the Behavior Disturbed Junior High Student in Tainan City




盧怡任(Yi-Jen Lu);黃正鵠(Chen-Ku Huang)


行爲困擾 ; 非理性信念 ; 焦慮 ; 憂鬱 ; behavior disturbance ; irrational beliefs ; anxiety ; depression




11期(2004 / 12 / 01)


81 - 108




本研究旨在探討台南市行爲困擾國中生非理性信念與焦慮、憂鬱情緒之關係,主要目的有五:(1)探討台南市行爲困擾國中生之非理性信念與焦慮、憂鬱情緒之現況。(2)探討不同背景變項(年級、性別)之行爲困擾國中生其非理性信念與焦慮、憂鬱情緒是否有差異。(3)探討行爲困擾國中生之非理性信念與焦慮、憂鬱情緒之間的關係。(4)探討行爲困擾國中生之非理性信念對焦慮、憂鬱情緒的預測能力。(5)依據研究結果提出具體建議,提供學校與青少年輔導人員之參考。 研究使用「個人信念量表」、「情境焦慮量表」與「國中學生憂鬱量表」爲研究工具,採比例叢集立意取樣,以573位國中學生爲研究對象進行調查。調查所得結果分別採用描述統計、t檢定、積差相關、多元相關、單因子多變項變異數分析、多元迴歸等統計方法加以分析。所得結果如下: 一、行爲困擾國中生之非理性信念爲中等偏高,並以「依賴」、「責備傾向」、「完美」、「挫折反應」與「高自我期許」等非理性信念出現頻率較高。 二、行爲困擾國中生具有中等偏低之焦慮及憂鬱情緒。 三、不同性別之行爲困擾國中生在焦慮、憂鬱情緒上有顯著差異,不同年級之行爲困擾國中生則在憂鬱情緒上有顯著差異。 四、非理性信念與焦慮、憂鬱情緒有顯著的正相關,其中以「情緒控制」層面與焦慮、憂鬱情緒的相關最高。 五、行爲困擾國中生之焦慮情緒與憂鬱情緒間有顯著的正相關存在。 六、行爲困擾國中生之非理性信念對焦慮情緒與憂鬱情緒具有預測力,其中以「情緒控制」層面的解釋力最大。 基於以上研究結果,本研究針對青少年輔導人員、學校輔導工作及後續研究提出具體建議,供讀者參考。


This study was to aim at studying the relationship among irrational beliefs, anxiety and depression of the behavior disturbed junior high students in Tainan City. There were five main purposes: First, to analyze irrational beliefs, anxiety and depression of the behavior disturbed junior high students in Tainan city in the current situation. Second, to investigate the differences on irrational beliefs, anxiety and depression of the behavior disturbed junior high students by examining background variables such as genders and grades. Third, to investigate the relationship among irrational beliefs, anxiety and depression of the behavior disturbed junior high students. forth, to investigate if irrational beliefs can predict anxiety and depression. And fifth, to conclude the research results and to propose some suggestions for the junior high students and the school counselors. The measurements applied in the study includes Individual Beliefs Scale, State Anxiety Scale and Junior high students Depression Scale. The participants, selected by stratified cluster purpose sampling, consisted of 573 junior high students in Tainan City. The obtained data was analyzed by t-test, Pearson product moment correlation, Multiple correlation, one-way ANOVA and Multiple regression analysis. The findings were as follows. (a) The irrational beliefs of the behavior disturbed junior high students were higher than average. Five irrational beliefs such s ”depence”, ”Blame”, ”perfectionism”, ”frustration response” and ”high self-expectancy” appeared more frequently han others. (b) The mood of anxiety and depression of the behavior disturbed junior high students was lower than average. (c) There was significant differences for anxiety and depression of the behavior disturbed junior high students between genders. There was significant differences for depression of the behavior disturbed junior high students between grades. (d) There were significant relationships among irrational beliefs, anxiety and depression. The ”emotion control” was the most significant. (e) There was significant relationship between anxiety and depression for the behavior disturbed junior high students. (f) Irrational beliefs had the prediction for anxiety and depression of the behavior disturbed junior high students. The best predictive belief was ”emotion control”. The suggestions for the school counselors and junior high school were also discussed in this thesis.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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