


The Effectiveness of the Adolescence Career Group Counseling in Taiwan by meta-analysis




黃瑛琪(Ying-Chi Huang);戴嘉南(Chia-Nan Tai);張高賓(Kao-Pin Chang);連廷嘉(Ting-Chia Lien)


青少年生涯團體諮商 ; 整合分析 ; 效益量 ; the adolescence career group counseling ; meta-analysis ; effectiveness




12期(2005 / 06 / 01)


71 - 100




本研究針對民國76年至92年間國內青少年生涯團體諮商之實證研究進行搜索,總計研究樣本十四篇,進行文獻回顧整理與整合分析之研究。 茲將本研究之主要結果摘述如下: 1.本研究以Stouffer綜合考驗法進行綜合考驗,無論在立即效果或是長期效果的Zc值都達顯著水準,而在立即效果與長期效果的加權Zc值,僅立即效果達顯著水準,顯示青少年生涯團體諮商對青少年生涯問題的處遇具有立即效果,但在持續的效果則不穩定。 2.青少年生涯團體諮商效益量方面,立即效果與長期效果的效益量分別是屬於中度效益與低度效益。 3.影響青少年生涯團體諮商效果的仲介變項方面,在立即效果方面,成員組成是否異質與團體型式是否為工作坊是影響效果的中介變項。至於在長期效果方面,則無法從本研究所列的可能中介變項中獲得瞭解。 最後,研究者針對研究結果所得之結論加以討論並對未來研究提出若干建議。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the counseling effectiveness of the adolescence career group by meta-analysis. The analysis included 14 studies were reviewed by treatment, instruments, variables, and samplings. And the 14 studies adolescence career group counseling by experiment designs. The results were as follows: 1. The results of combined tests indicated the counseling effectiveness of the adolescence career group in improving the adolescence career problems. 2. The results of effect size indicated the middle on instant effect and the low on maintenance effect. 3. The intervening variables of the instant effectiveness on the adolescence career group counseling comprehend: the group members are heterogeneity, and the group-from is workshop. The study will discuss the discovery from above, and suggestions for future researches.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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