


A Study of the Effectiveness in Applying Solution-Focused Group Counseling to Internet-Addicted Adolescents




連廷嘉(Ting-Chia Lien)


焦點解決取向團體諮商 ; 網路成癮 ; 青少年 ; solution-focused group counseling ; Internet addiction ; adolescent




17期(2007 / 12 / 01)


39 - 64






The study aims to find out the immediate influence that solution-focused group counseling has on Internet-addicted adolescents and to follow up the effectiveness of such a therapy. The study made use of the pretest-posttest and follow-up experiment design. The subjects were 20 senior high school students, who were randomly assigned to either the experimental group or the control group. During a 3-month period, the experimental group received all together 24 hours of brief counseling structured according to solution-focused therapy. The control group received no treatment. An Internet Addiction Scale was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. The data collected were analyzed through ANCOVA. An analysis of the participants' feedback toward the counseling group and of the interview was also carried out. The study finds that solution-focused group therapy exhibits immediate and follow-up effectiveness on adolescents suffering from Internet-addiction. Significant changes have been found with regards to ”the endurance dimension,” ”the dimension of quitting the addiction,” and ”the dimension of functions in life.” Furthermore, based on the feedback and interview, it is found that after receiving group therapy, subjects are more likely to discipline their Internet-using habits, to organize their life properly, to redefine meaningful Internet functions, to reframe and to re-empower.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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