


Narrative Research on a Juvenile Killing Offender's Life Experience




楊秀宜(Hsiu-I Yang)


少年犯 ; 生命經驗 ; 敘事研究 ; Juvenile offender ; life experience ; narrative research




18期(2008 / 06 / 01)


1 - 31




本研究是以一位少年犯爲對象的生命經驗的敘事研究,研究者試圖以他的脈絡來理解他,以他的現象場來看這個故事,理解他過去的生命經驗對他的影響,以及現在的他如何找到他的人生目標,因研究的構想是要探索少年殺人犯的生命經驗,而敘事訪談之優點在於個人主體性的重視、提供資料的過程能有效溝通、了解個人與社會脈絡之影響、資料的珍貴性、個人現實與社會現實的銜接,且爲沒有權利的弱勢者發聲,因此,敘事訪談法適用於蒐集少年殺人犯的生命經驗。 本研究採立意抽樣法,研究參與者有一位,因爲研究參與者本身須具有研究中所需要的豐富資料等條件,故選取要件爲矯正學校的學生,年齡爲22歲的少年殺人犯,且因爲需要豐富的生命經驗材料,故選擇語言表達能力較佳者。 研究結果從參與者的生命故事、研究參與者對敘說文本的檢核及研究者的理解與省思三個部分來敘說。而在研究結果的分析與討論,是從四個不同層面來看對研究參與者的影響,包括父母離異的影響、父親被關的影響、校園暴力的影響、進矯正機構的影響與轉變。 藉由這個研究希望能引起學校教師關注校園內弱勢者的聲音,避免形成以暴治暴的錯誤認知,並協助他們以求助的管道來解決問題,並協助沉淪負向耽溺的學生找出正向發展的動機。


The purpose of the study was to realize the juvenile killing offender's life experience, and the relative effects on his life. Narrative research method was applied to this article. The research wanted to explore the Juvenile killing offender's life experience, to realize the context between himself and the society, so the narrative interview was suitable to collect the information. The research participant who was in jail and his age was 22 years old. He has good express ability and much life experience. The results representing three parts included participant's life story, his checking of the text and the researcher's reflection. The result's discussions represented four aspect influences on the participant: (1) the influence of his parents divorce; (2) the influence of his father in prison; (3) the influence of bullying in campus; (4) the influence of his entering the correctional school and his changing. The study based on the conclusion, some suggestions for practice and further researches were addressed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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