


A Research on the Relationship among Perfectionism, Self-esteem and Depressive Tendency of Adolescents




蘇曉憶(Hsiao-Yi Su);戴嘉南(Chia-Nan Tai)


青少年 ; 完美主義 ; 自尊 ; 憂鬱傾向 ; Adolescent ; Perfectionism ; Self-esteem ; Depressive tendency




18期(2008 / 06 / 01)


123 - 154






The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among Perfectionism, Self-esteem and Depressive tendency of Adolescents. Questionnaire survey were utilized as the method of this study. Subjects consisted of 686 junior high school students and 612 senior high school students in Kaohsiung City, and they were selected by stratified proportional cluster sampling. The instruments applied in this study include: Basic Information Inventory, Perfectionism Scale, Adolescent Self-esteem Inventory and Adolescent Depression Scale. Data was analyzed by applying descriptive statistic, one-way ANONA, Pearson product moment correlation, Canonical correlation, Multiple regression analysis. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) The score on ”interpersonal expectation” was highest in the perfectionism of adolescents. (2) The score on ”academic control” was lowest in the self-esteem of adolescents. (3) The population of ”self-relief group” was the most in the Depressive tendency of adolescents. (4)Scores of Perfectionism, Self-esteem were significantly different between gender. (5) Scores of Perfectionism and Depressive tendency were significantly different among grades. (6) Scores of Depressive tendency were significantly different among birth sequence. (7) There were significant correlations among Perfectionism, Self-esteem and Depressive tendency. (8) Perfectionism and Self-esteem of Adolescents could be used to predict their Depressive tendency effectively. Based on the results of this study, our findings can provide suggestions to school education system, family education, adolescent counseling and for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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