First of all, the analysis unit and analysis method for the play theme were made sure based on the literatures and then a child with cleft palate was selected as the study subject. Seven medical play themes were selected from 23 play sections and analyzed. Four dimensions, type of toy, process of play, interaction with therapist, and turning point, were chosen for the outlines of the analysis of the play themes. And then the descriptions and interpretations for the seven medical play themes were made. The recovery and change of the case child could be seen from the change process of the medical play themes. Three conclusions, submitted in accordance with the analysis results, were stated as follows. 1.) The internal change of the case child was indicated in the change process of the meaning symbolized by the play toys. 2.) The change of the content of the medical play themes suggested the internal turning process of the case child. 3.) The recovery of the case child was observed in the positive change of the medical play themes. And there were five suggestions: 1.) Prepare relevant play toys for the specific issues or traumas of case children. 2.) Understand the symbolized meaning of the toys and the change process of the symbolized meaning. That would help understand the play theme. 3.) Take the four dimensions described for the play process of this study as a reference in recording the play therapy. 4.) Refer to the analysis dimensions, of this study, about the play theme in setting up the structure of case conceptualization 5.) The study of play theme is worth advocacy in researching the play process of children the play process for children.
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