


A Study on the Adjustment Process of the Older Widows(ers) Who Live alone and Their Experiences of Changesin Family Relationships




陳盈心(Ying-Hsin Chen);卓紋君(Wen-Chun Cho)


喪偶獨居年長者 ; 家庭關係變化 ; 失落與哀傷 ; 敘說分析 ; older widow(er) living alone ; changes of family relationships ; loss and grief ; narrative analysis




24期(2012 / 07 / 01)


23 - 65






This study aims to explore the internal experiences of older widows(ers) who live alone facing their spouse death and the changes of their family relationships as well as their feelings due to the changes. An average of four interviews were separately conducted to the four older widows(ers) with ages of more than 65 when they were bereft of their spouses. The method of narrative research, i.e., both holistic-content and holistic-form, were used to analyze the transcripts. The experiences of these four older widowers facing the spouse death were abundant. The changes of their family relationships showed a trend from fluctuation to stability in the long run. The widowers realized the family members' differences in visit frequency and care between the spouse's death and after. The widowers showed more stable emotions when the important family members were present often. They were able to recover from the spouse's death by self-adjustment, and self and other's care. Suggestions concerning the future research and counseling prative are provided along with the findings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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