The purposes of this study was: to explore the relationships among the variables of individual background, engage in pre-service teacher program, take an optional course of interpersonal relations, marriage and family, gender relations and sex-role stereotypes.
The data have been collected from research's sex-role stereotypes scale. A total of 218 questionnaires were passed to the college students, and 155 were collected valid. The data collected from target samples were analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, posteriori comparisons.
The conclusions of this study are as follows:
1. There were significant correlations between the B national college students than the A management college students in female's concern and female tendency dimension of sexrole stereotypes.
2. There were significant correlations between male college students than female college students in female's concern and participate in male's talk dimension of sex-role stereotypes.
3. There were significant correlations between unengaged in pre-service teacher program college students than engage in pre-service teacher program college students in female's concern and female tendency dimension of sex-role stereotypes.
4. There were significant correlations between don't take an optional course of gender relation than take an optional course of gender relation college students in female's concern and female tendency dimension of sex-role stereotypes.
5. There were significant correlations between don't take an optional course of marriage and family than take an optional course of marriage and family college students in female's concern dimension of sex-role stereotypes.
The conclusions were drawn based on previous findings, some suggestions were proposed for students, teachers and schools.
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