


The Linkage between Cultural Tradition and Cultural Industry: The Case of the "Hunan Phenomenon"




張依依(E. E. Chang)


文化產業 ; 文化傳統 ; 湖南現象 ; 湖湘文化 ; 楚文化 ; Chu culture ; cultural industry ; cultural tradition ; Hunan Phenomena ; HuXiang culture




9期(2008 / 01 / 01)


31 - 63




文化産業是一個涵蓋圖文、影視、音像在內的龐大産業系統,近年來被公認是「朝陽産業」,並且從發達國家經濟體系的邊緣,走向了中心。文化産業今天已是支柱産業,是一國綜合國力的表徵,文化産業的競爭,就是國力的競爭。 自從加入WTO以後,在市場的洗禮下,隸屬文化產業的中國電視事業紛紛調整經營策略,以強化競爭力,其中尤以湖南表現最為出色,也行動最早,不僅成為異軍突起的「電視湘軍」,形成轟動的「湖南現象」,並且帶動研究湖南傳播現象的熱潮。湖南人創辦的「體壇周報」,報份五百多萬,不僅是世界銷售量最大的報紙,也帶來「湘江報王」、「報業湘軍」的美名。而在「傷痕文學」時期,湖南的「文壇湘軍」更曾帶動風潮,形成文壇的「轟動效應」。湖南的出版界也頗富盛名,在大陸各省激烈的競爭中,表現突出。 何以致此?應該和湖南雄厚的文化底蘊有密切的關連。湖南是古楚文化的中心,宋朝理學湖湘文化的重鎮,沿襲至今,仍保有濃厚的文學藝術、改革熱情、實踐態度與創新精神,使得湖南文化產業一枝獨秀,在新世紀綻放耀人的光彩。


The cultural industry, an enormous system which encompasses cinema, television, and publishing, etc., now seen as a sunrise industry, has moved from the margin to the center of developed economic systems. The cultural industry is now a leading industry and a sign of integrated national power. Today, the strength of the cultural industries is an indicator of a nation's general competitiveness. Since China's admission to the WTO, the television industry, an arm of its cultural industries, has adopted strategies to strengthen its competitiveness. One early example is found in Hunan Province. The television industry in Hunan, known as the Xiang Army Television, has triggered waves of studies on what is known as the Hunan Phenomenon. The Hunanese Titan Sports, nicknamed Xiang Army Newspaper, has a circulation of five million and has won a reputation for being the most widely circulated newspaper in the world. During the Wounded Era, Hunan's writers brought about the famous Literature Xiang Army effect within literary circles. Today, similarly, the Hunan publishing business is prominent among the fierce competition throughout China. What caused this? The phenomenon is closely related to Hunan's profound cultural heritage, as the center of the ancient Chu culture and HuXiang culture (a school of Neo-Confucianism), today, Hunan retains the literary and arts tradition, revolutionary ardor, practicality and innovative spirit it inherited. These qualities have nurtured and enriched Hunan's cultural industries.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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