


An Analysis of the Forced Labor Poem and the Thing is Inspired to the Utilization by "Shi jing"




傅含章(Han-Chang Fu)


行役 ; 行役詩 ; 因物起興 ; forced labor ; forced labor poem ; the thing is inspired to




13期(2010 / 01 / 01)


25 - 54






”Shi jing” the time has the forced labor generally the social phenomenon, therefore, then appears many describes the forced labor the mental journey chapter which lives in outside. In the poem lead or is an envoy, either is the soldier, either for the common people, its similarity leaves home for these leads in outside, full of rushes about pain of the forced labor, therefore expresses recollections quite multi-dimensional complex. Generally speaking, the forced labor poem's main performance may looking from three aspects: First, narrates directly writes the forced labor's mood outside or on the way home; Second, from the labor's wives' angle to describe the forced labor sadness and pain of the waiting indirectly; Third, reflects the government order tedious and the forced labor pain from the lower level government official's angle. The author is inspired to the poem the thing, holds the quite important status to the forced labor poem's constitution, the animal, botany and the weather is likely the forced labor poem most often is inspired to the thing, they not only initiate the inspiration origin which the author creates, some will become specific the cultural meaning reposing in the future, affect the descendant literary really great. It can be said that because of discusses ”Shi jing” the forced labor poem the thing is inspired to, regarding observes the author emotion and the poetic sentiment buckle gathers, even is the author conceals in the physical image the profound meaning has is of help.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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