


A Metaphorical Research on the Word "WU" (Witchcraft) in the Oracle Bone Script




原來(Leo Yuan)


甲骨文 ; 巫 ; 巫覡 ; Oracle ; witchcraft ; witch and wizard




13期(2010 / 01 / 01)


55 - 75






In this paper, the author has firstly studied the inferences made by various schools of ancient Chinese scholars who did research into the shapes and meanings of the word ”WU” (witchcraft) in the Oracle Bone Script. The author has drawn a preliminary conclusion that ”WU” (witchcraft) would be most likely a kind of ”instrument” in ancient China. The author has then used evidences collected from the ancient astronomy and archaeology, such as ”bu-ci”, the oracle inscriptions on the tortoise shells as further proof. For example, the inscriptions taken from the graves at Puyang, Honan Province, China, were compared with the mathematics described on ”Zhou Pi Suan Jing”, a most important ancient mathematics book written in about 100 B.C. The comparison demonstrated a full consistency between the two, thus proving that our ancestors already had a deep knowledge about astronomy over 3000 years ago. In addition, my research also shows that our ancestors in the Shang Dynasty (1700 B.C.-1100 B.C.) had already paid much attention to the Gods who controlled the ”wind” from four directions; they had positioned those ”wind” Gods in the order of the East, the South, the West, and the North. This evidence also matched with what was described in the ancient literatures discovered a few generations later. For instance, the archaeological evidences discovered from the Her-Tu and the Luo-Shu also demonstrated that our ancestors had defined the Universe by ”four-direction” positioning. In return, using the same way to define the Universe in all the above-mentioned documents has also proved the existence of the Her-Tu and the Luo-Shu. The word ”WU” (witchcraft) in its Oracle Bone Script appearing in almost the same pattern as that in the Her-Tu and the Luo-Shu is thus inferred that the tools used by the ancient witches and wizards to define the four directions of the Universe are likely to be the same as those described by the Her-Tu and the Luo-Shu.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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