


The Tale of the Peach-Blossom Land: Falsification, Authenticity, and Structural Analysis of the Parable




吳福相(Fu-Shiang Wu)


虛實適當 ; 遞進式 ; 轉折式 ; 重複式 ; 連鎖式 ; appropriate equilibrium of falsification and authenticity ; progressive structure ; reiterative structure ; transitive structure




15期(2011 / 01 / 01)


79 - 100






The falsification of the parable denotes the fabrication, imagination, absurdity and eccentricity of the characters and the storyline. Resulting from this falsification, the readers' brooding thoughts are induced to a large extent where there is a distancing effect between the reality and the imagination. Reveries are rising out of the likelihood and the unlikelihood. On the other side, the authenticity denotes the already existed true-to-life reality, the vivid description of traits and characteristics of the mundane, or the representation of explicit factuality. In accordance, what are comprehended from The Tale of the Peach-Blossom Land are the well-suited mixture of falsification and authenticity, and the seamless matches of these elements. The following five points are stemmed from aforementioned argumentation 1. To envelop falsification in authenticity. 2. To enrich authenticity with falsification. For instance: 3. Transforming authenticity into falsification. 4. Transforming falsification into authenticity. 5. Mutual enrichment of falsification and authenticity.Besides an understanding of the parable's appropriate adoptions of falsification and authenticity, this paper further analyzes the structure of the four sub-parables within the major parable. In terms of plot, the structure of the four sub-parables is progressive. In terms of the implication of the parables, the structure is both progressive and transitive. As for the characters, the structure is reiterative. The structure of the whole parable is a network, which is progressive (manifesting the beauty of growing layers), reiterative (showing the lavishness of the strange and the wonderful), and transitive (demonstrating a flowing rhythm). The parable itself is a collection of the beauties of the diversified structure. Moreover, the four sub-parables' structures are based on Taoist prescriptions that are abundant in the tale. The transformation of falsification into authenticity adds color to the beauty of the structure, enabling a grasp of the layout of the structure. The text itself triggers a resonance with the readers, catalyzing a deeper understanding of the affection and perception of the inner meaning.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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