


The Two-Zhuan System of Han Dynasty Lishu




郭伯佾(Po-I Kuo)


隸書 ; 大篆 ; 小篆 ; 二篆系統 ; 文字構成 ; lishu/the clerical script ; the large zhuan/the large seal script ; the small zhuan/the small seal script ; the two-zhuan systems ; word constitution




24期(2016 / 07 / 01)


89 - 110






Lishu, also known as the clerical script, was commonly used in the Qin and Han dynasties. Han dynasty lishu changed Qin dynasty lishu, which merely looked for stroke saving and easy writing, into a script combining practicability and beautification. During the Han dynasty lishu replaced zhuanshu, the seal script, in official occasions such as carving steles. Even calligraphers nowadays are keen on learning to write this artistic script. Han dynasty lishu inherited word constitution of the large zhuan and the small zhuan. Consequently, the word form and structure of Han dynasty lishu are found to derive either from the large zhuan or from the small zhuan. Some even derived from both. 1. Those deriving only from the large zhuan belong to“sole derivation system from the large zhuan”, e.g. 平、食、涼、卿、曾. 2. Those deriving only from the small zhuan belong to“sole derivation system from the small zhuan”, e.g. 乃、十、安、辛、射. 3. Those deriving from both the large zhuan and the small zhuan belong to “double derivation system from the large and small zhuans”, e.g. 七、公、酉、孟、 官. This study explores the two-zhuan systems of Han dynasty lishu by analyzing word constitution. The purpose is to help understand Han dynasty lishu when appreciating or model copying this type of calligraphic works.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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