


A Preliminary Study on the Reform, Development and Strategic Response of General Education in Cross-Strait Regions: Taking Shih Chien University as an Example


謝伯欣(Po Hsin Hsieh);張瑞剛(Ruey Gang Chang)


通識教育 ; 課程規劃 ; 自主學習 ; general education ; curriculum mapping ; self-regulated learning




34期(2023 / 07 / 31)


5 - 20






"General education," which was originated from Liberal Art in Ancient Greece, can be traced back to the "six styles of calligraphy" in ancient China of Confucianism of pre-Qin period, while nowadays based on students' basic knowledge and skills, cultivating students' self-development ability and healthy personality are the main concepts with the hope to broaden their international vision, and to develop goodness, beauty, and social adaptability. This paper first describes the evolution of general education across the Taiwan Strait, and then discusses the status and the dilemma of the classification of general education courses under the current education system, including the connotation of general education courses, curriculum classification and planning issues, the lower birth rate, teacher positioning and the distribution of teaching connotation, administrative unit dwarfing, and teachers' cognition of general education. Due to the evolution of international education and the impact of low birth rate, each school is gradually reforming the curriculum and education system. That's why general education should have appropriate transformation measures to cope with the educational changing environment in the future, such as making good use of the new generation teaching media, implementing cross-domain co-teaching courses, promoting cross-domain co-creation courses, and stimulating students' self-learning motivation with multiple flexible teaching models. Finally, we will take Shih Chien University as a reforming case of general education curriculum, where students have more diversified course choices in order to enhance knowledge application, and cross-field learning. To sum up, we find that students have accumulated a prescribed number of study hours, which could deduct from general education credits and other innovative mechanisms. Thus, the literacy orientation and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) should be further integrated to deepen the connotation and the impact of general education.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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