


Salvation of the Sentient Beings: The Analyzing Theory of Empathy and Response in Compassionate Grove of Kuan-yin and the Guanyin Manifestation


陸春雄(Chun-Hsung Lu)


持名 ; 宋.傅亮 ; 馬郎婦 ; 十四無畏 ; 《高王觀音經》 ; Chanting the Name of Buddha ; Fu Liang ; Mrs. Ma Guan-yin ; Fourteen Kinds of Fearlessness ; Sutra Raja Agung Avalokitesvara




34期(2023 / 07 / 31)


21 - 43




觀音菩薩早就成佛叫正法名如來,為救眾生,示現為觀音菩薩,祂已證得海印三昧、耳根圓通法門,一身俱千手千眼,救苦心殷,度生念切,隨類應化,自在無礙。《觀音持驗記》、《觀音慈林集》是研究觀音信仰的重要史料,中國最早蒐集觀音靈感故事為:(一) 宋.傅亮(南北朝劉宋)《光世音應驗記》。(二)宋.張演《續光世音應驗記》。(三) 齊.陸杲《繫觀世音應驗記》。兩者都是蒐集觀音救濟眾生,以十四無畏(苦惱、水、火、風……)為重心的歷史故實。兩者按人民的需要都以「持名」居多,在南北朝的動亂時代, 則以救濟刀杖、枷鎖、囚難、賊難居多。《觀音持驗記》的特色有觀音的度化-馬郎婦、周克復的愛心叮嚀,知業報,了因果、觀音為雞子請命等;《觀音慈林集》的特色為:觀音為蜃蛤請命、異僧玄奘西行取經、明.太宗文皇帝御製觀世音菩薩贊、大慧宗杲的禮觀音文、釋慧恭的誦《普門品》等。兩者均強調修行、信仰在一心、都虔信諸佛菩薩(觀音)的慈力, 同為「苦惱眾生」為救濟第一要務,觀音大慈大悲,慈憫感應,這些救濟眾生的事例,隨著《普門品》的流傳,觀音信仰廣為流行於世間。


Guanyin had been awakened to attain Buddhahood and the title Tathāgata to rescue living beings in the body of Bodhisatta. It had been proven to attain Hae-in Samadhi and Perfect Penetra, with one thousand arms and eyes to save all the living beings by projecting itself into human forms in different realms simultaneously freely. Compassionate Grove of Kuan-yin and the Guanyin Manifestation are essential historical source for researching the belief of Guanyin. The earliest collections of Kuan-yin's inducting stories include Fu Liang's Records of Guang-Shih-Yin's Miraculous Responses" and Zhang Yan's "The Sequels Records of Guangh-Shi-Yin's Miraculous Responses" in Liu Song Dynasty, and Lu Gao's "The Sequels Records of Kuan-Shih-Yin's Miraculous Responses" in Chi Dynasty of Southern Dynasties. They both are mainly all about Guanyin's proof of rescuing living beings upon hearing their suffering with 14 kinds of fearlessness, including chanting the name of buddha, the seven misfortunes of fire, wind, floods, wars, punishments, demons, thieves, the three poisons, attachment, hatred of enemies, ignorance, the prayers for a son and a daughter, and the applying in practice toward enlightenment, and that people tended to chant the name of Buddha according to their needs. Among the conflicts in the northern and southern dynasties, within the 14 kinds of fearlessness, wars, punishments, imprisonment, and thieves are much more prominent. The essence of The Guanyin Manifestation lies in Guanyin's enlightenment: Mrs. Ma Guan-yin and zhōu kè fù's urge to remind people of understanding karmas as well as Guanyin's plea for the chick. The essence of Compassionate Grove of Kuan-yin lies in Guanyin's plea for the Shen, Xuanzang's journey to the West, Praise to Guanyin by The Yongle Emperor, Buddhist Prayers by Dahui Zonggao, and Avalokiteśvara-vikurvạna-nirdeśaḥ by Huì Gōng. Both of them lay stress on the importance of Sādhanā and wholehearted faith in the Guanyin, and that the primary urge of them is to rescue all the sentient beings from kleshas. Guanyin's infinite mercy and empathy are embodied through the proof of its salvation of the Sentient Beings and thus enable Guanyin belief to be widespread in the world of all the living beings and the Buddhist world.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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