


An Initial Exploration of Assisting Academic Paper Writing with ChatGPT


陳冠名(Kuan-Ming Chen)


聊天生成預訓練轉換器 ; 人工智慧 ; 學術論文寫作 ; ChatGPT ; artificial intelligence ; academic paper writing




34期(2023 / 07 / 31)


85 - 99






ChatGPT can provide the knowledge structure and opinions required for research, but the researcher's practical operations and judgments remain indispensable. The responses from ChatGPT have their sources, but they lack explicit references to the original references, which is not acceptable in academic paper writing. Additionally, the authenticity of the data generated by ChatGPT cannot be confirmed, and it is currently not possible to directly analyze the data collected by researchers. While ChatGPT cannot replace the exploration of researchers in unknown domains, researchers can leverage the functionality of ChatGPT to find a common ground and propel their own development. It is evident that there are limitations and complementarity between ChatGPT and researchers. ChatGPT can be seen as a knowledgeable and patient guide, similar to an experienced supervising professor assisting graduate students in writing their theses. ChatGPT can provide content-rich suggestions, guiding users to further develop their knowledge and the content of their papers.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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