The case was an 80-year-old man who was hospitalized because of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and recurrent dyspnea. The Gordon's 11 health functions were used to evaluate the patient from September 29, 2020 to December 1, 2020 and the patient was confirmed to have respiratory clearance failure, body image disturbance, and anxiety. Home visits with an interdisciplinary team comprising home care nurses, physicians, nutritionists, respiratory therapists, and speech therapists were carried out to support indwelling line care for enhancing deep breathing and cough skills, pulmonary rehabilitation exercises, and improvement of respiratory clearance. The patient communicated by speaking through the tracheal cut, clipboard, and sign language. He regained confidence and faced the tubing positively. The combination of home medical care and long-term care offers holistic care based on nursing measures. The patients can carry out swallowing training at home and join-making decisions to improve their life quality and dignity.