


Woman and White-Collar Crime




林莉婷(Li-Ting Lin)


女性白領犯罪 ; 白領犯罪 ; 女性犯罪 ; 公司犯罪 ; female white-collar crime ; white-collar crime ; female crime ; corporate crime




4期(2005 / 03 / 01)


119 - 166




長期以來,女性在社會結構中所扮演的,不論是在政治上、經濟上或其他領域,大多是居於附屬男性的次要地位。就連在學術研究的範疇內,女性犯罪在犯罪學的研究中,也一直是非主流的議題。然隨著社會結構的改變,女性開始走出家庭,步入職場,女性的角色開始產生微妙的變化,從而女性犯罪的類型也開始改變,其中尤其是女性白領犯罪,其增加的幅度遠甚於男性白領犯罪。 本研究試圖比較國內外女性白領犯罪之異同,找出一個適合解釋國內女性白領犯罪之理論。其目的有三: 一、比較兩性白領犯罪人個人特徵之差異,如異性影響、個人人口因素和職業機會。 二、比較兩性白領犯罪人犯罪樣態之差異,如犯罪次數、金額、共犯人數及犯罪組織中地位。 三、研究女性白領犯罪人之生命史。 本研究採取混合的研究方法,一方面完成小樣本的問卷,計有13名男性白領犯罪人和16名女性白領犯罪人,進行SPSS 統計分析,另一方面則選取一位正在獄中服刑之女性白領犯罪人進行深度訪談,最後將兩種資料交互印證。在問卷分析結果中,兩性白領犯罪人的差異並不大,唯一有差異的是「消費情形」和「與異性情感關係比較」方面。而根據問卷調查與訪談結果的比較,女性白領犯罪人有以下七點特徵:一、女性白領犯罪人較一般女性犯罪人更爲理性; 二、缺乏恥感是導致女性白領犯罪最重要的因素;三、女性白領犯罪人在職場上表現優異;四、女性白領犯罪也是公司犯罪次文化之一部份;五、女性在公司犯罪的影響力並不大。 針對本研究發現,研究者建議:一、給予女性公平競爭的機會;二、由外而內,增強白領女性的職業道德觀;三、量刑時考量女性白領犯罪人的動機因素;四、強化司法人員對相關案件的專業知識,使該案件能被迅速發現或判刑確定;五、以社區處遇、罰金刑取代自由刑。


For a long time, women play a secondary role politically and economically in the social structure. Same situation happens when it comes to the quality and quantity of research literature regarding female crime. However, female crime has attracted more attentions today because of the increasing female employment rates as well as their raising work status. As a possible result, women engaging in white-collar crime have escalated in the past. And the increasing rate of women white-collar crime is even higher than that for men. This research thus intended to achieve three purposes: 1. to compare the different characteristics of women and men engaging in white-collar crime; 2. to compare the nature of crime for women and men committing white-collar crime; and 3. to explore the female white-collar criminal’s life history. Both in-depth interview and survey methods were used in the study. One selected female inmate committing white-collar crime was interviewed to explore her life story. And 16 female and 13 male inmates committing similar crime were asked to fill out the structural questionnaire. The survey result indicated that the only difference between women and men committing white-collar crime was their consumer life style and intimate relationships. By integrating the analyses of the interview and survey, the study found that several traits can be distinguished for female white-collar criminals from those non-white-collar criminals: 1. female white-collar criminals were more rational; 2. they had less shame; 3. they usually performed well in their job; 4. the crime they committed was part of the corporate crime subculture; and 5. they had limited influence at work. For suggestions were made by the study: 1. Women should be given a more fair opportunity to compete with men at work. 2. Job ethic should be strengthened for white-collar female workers. 3. The motive of crime should be considered differentially when sentencing female white-collar criminals. 4. Law enforcement agencies should improve their professional knowledge in white-collar crime to increase certainty and swiftness of punishement. 5. Community service and fine can be considered as alternative punishment for female white-collar criminals.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學